Our vision is to nurture and inspire all children to learn how to learn as they build their individual identity as ākonga.


Our educators are well qualified, highly motivated and skilled.  They bring a wealth of experiences and cultures that define the Tiny Tuis day to day practice.  We strive to provide stimulating provocations that encourage risk taking and curiosity, additionally mistakes are viewed as learning opportunities.

 We celebrate each child's individual achievement and recognise that these are accomplished on their own and in their own time.  We are inspired by the teaching philosophies of Emmi Pikler and Magda Gerber, these philosophies along with the Principles of Te Whāriki, underpin our practice.  We also believe that quality Early Childhood experiences, both planned and spontaneous, promote the development of the child and will increase the opportunity for success through the child's life.  We place high value on recognising learning dispositions and have developed learning priorities that will help and guide us as we assess and plan for children’s learning.   

We celebrate and recognise both the bi-cultural and multi-cultural diversity of our Centre and the wider community.


Our Centre will follow the Principles, Strands and Goals of Te Whāriki - He Whāriki Mataranga mō ngā mokopuna o Aotearoa (2017) - The Early Childhood Curriculum.

  • The Early Childhood Curriculum will reflect the holistic way children learn and grow.

  • The Early Childhood Curriculum will empower the children to learn and grow.

  • Children will be given the opportunity to develop knowledge and an understanding of the cultural heritage of both partners to Te Triti o Waitangi.

  • The wider world of the family and community is an integral part of the Early Childhood Curriculum.

  • Children will learn through responsive and reciprocal relations with people, places and things.

Through our core values of: Respect, Inclusiveness, Partnership, Professionalism and Play, we aim for children to grow up as confident, competent and respectful learners and communicators who are healthy in mind, body and spirit, and aware of their physical footprint on our environment.  They will be secure in their sense of belonging and in the knowledge that they make a valued contribution to society.  We believe in being a centre of excellence in our community that provides a family orientated centre where children are well prepared to thrive in an ever changing world.